the situation is dire

Haiti is in a state of crisis - a failed state with no elected officals and gangs in control of the capital of Port au Prince. The International Airport is closed and Americans are being air-lifted to safety by private contractors. The UN has not moved forward with much-needed assistance, and UNICEF says Haiti is on the brink of a humanitarian nightmare.

Estimates of up to one million people have fled the violence in Port au Prince and have scattered all over the country.

Many of these refugees have arrived in the Jeremie area near Emmanuel with nothing but the clothes on their backs. They are tired, discouraged, homeless and hungry.

We have been feeding these refugee families, but our resources are at a critical level. We purchase the food locally and distribute it through the churches. Unlike large organizations, your donations are used to purchase food within days rather than weeks.

Help us help Haitians.

As always, 100% of your gift goes straight to Haiti.